Photography Lesson 5 – Using Perspective

Using Photographic Perspective & Lines

One of the interesting things about photography it’s ability to convey a sense of three dimensions, of volume and spatial relationships, using only two dimensions. For this class assignment use lines to create a sense of 3 dimensions. You can also use lines to deny a sense of 3 dimensions and explore a “flattened” space. Think about lines as horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curves, s-curves, arches and spirals.

Assignment Objectives
This assignment will help train your eye to flip back and forth between the 3-dimensional world we live in and the 2-dimensional world of photography. The creative challenge for the week is to incorporate the different types of lines and to explore single point perspective in your images. We will look at a selection of 5-8 of your best photos.

5-8 photos using perspective as a design element.

Margaret Bourke-White, Chrysler Building, New York ca. 1930–31

Margaret Bourke-White, Chrysler Building, New York ca. 1930–31

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