Take your photography skills to the next level with my Photoshop for Photographers class! The next 10-week session at the Vero Beach Museum of Art begins on Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Classes are held Wednesday evenings at the Vero Beach Musuem of Art from 6:30-8:30pm. We’ll be diving into Adobe Bridge CC to manage and organize your photos and Adobe Photoshop CC to edit them like a pro!
Seats are limited so REGISTER TODAY before this sells out! For more info and registration details visit my Photoshop Class page. You’ll also find information on which version to subscribe to if you don’t already have Photoshop on your computer.

Please bring your laptop with the current versions of Adobe Bridge CC (Free) and Adobe Photoshop CC ($9.99/month). We will work through a series of projects designed to help you understand the fundamentals of the Photoshop workflow and apply them to your own work.