Category Archives: Music
Art + Music featured at Gallery Veritas
I’m grateful for everyone who came out to the opening at Gallery Veritas and Art Library in downtown Vero Beach. I make art because I have to, there’s an idea I want to see or hear, or something I’m curious … Continue reading

How I Create Generative Ambient Music
I was recently interviewed by Tim Cole from Intermorphic Generative Music systems about how I use their generative music software Wotja to create infinitely generating ambient music to enhance meditation, creativity, relaxation and well-being. Tim and his brother Pete have … Continue reading

Quote To Inspire Your Creativity From Jimi Hendrix
The amazing musician and guitarist Jimi Hendrix was born on November 27, 1942. In honor of his upcoming birthday here’s an inspiring quote to inspire your creativity. “Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens.” – Jimi Hendrix As eloquently stated on … Continue reading