Category Archives: Technique
Sleeklens Photoshop Action Review
I was recently contacted by the marketing department of the Copenhagen-based company Sleeklens to review their Lightroom workflows and Photoshop actions. In the interest of transparency I was offered a set of Photoshop actions at no charge in exchange for … Continue reading

Photographing Time As The Fourth Dimension
Fong Qi Wei has a creative technique for photographing time as the fourth dimension. To create the images for his series Time is a Dimension, the Signapore-based photographer shoots around sunrise or sunset capturing a sequence of images over a … Continue reading

How To Photograph Fireworks
In honor of Independence Day here’s a repost of my tips for photographing fireworks. Shooting fireworks can be a lot of fun and can produce some very interesting images. I usually like to keep my ISO low (100) and experiment … Continue reading
Creativity this week
Hi there, I WILL be at Brain Freeze this Thursday for our Discovering Your Creative Vision Creative Sparks session. I plan to be there from 6:30-8pm and look forward to seeing your new work and discussing photography, art & creativity … Continue reading

Tips for photographing fireworks
Shooting fireworks can be a lot of fun and can produce some very interesting images. I usually like to keep my ISO low (100) and experiment with different f/stops & shutter speeds depending on the effect I am looking for. … Continue reading