Tag Archives: videos
Henri Cartier-Bresson On The Decisive Moment
Here’s a fascinating video with Henri Cartier-Bresson that will give you insight into his work and hopefully inspire yours. Although many consider Cartier-Bresson to be the father of modern photojournalism he saw himself as a Surrealist photographer. Encouraged by Robert … Continue reading

How To Be Creative by Off Book & PBS Digital Studios
Want to be more creative? Check out this is fascinating video that examines the creative process by questioning some of the myths surrounding it. What is the creative process? Is there such a thing as originality? Can the creative process … Continue reading

What is Creativity?
Here’s a great short video introducing some of the ideas explored in Jonah Lehrer’s book Imagine. What is creativity? How do we study it? How do we become more creative? How do we break through creative blocks? Check it out! … Continue reading

Some Creative Inspiration for the New Year!
This is a wonderful view of creativity and a great way to start off a new year! Fantastic attitude! Watch this video as IDEO founder David Kelley discusses the creativity within all of us on Charlie Rose and you will … Continue reading

More Creative Inspiration from Photographer Joel Meyerowitz
A photography class and creative inspiration from photographer Joel Meyerowitz. In this wide-ranging video Meyerowitz discusses the value of innocence and experience, photographing the “elements”, getting beyond our comfort zones, photographing Ground Zero in NYC after 9/11 and how photography … Continue reading