Inspiring Quote On Photography From Robert Frank

Robert Frank is one of the most influential photographers in the history of photography. His book The Americans is a must-have for any photographer serious about their art. Complete with a forward by Jack Kerouac The Americans conveys Frank’s perspective on America after traveling across the county with his camera on a Guggenheim Foundation grant in 1955-1956. There is a strange beauty and sadness to many of his images. Some of the photographs will startle you while others have a subtlety that lingers for days.

“The eye should learn to listen before it looks.” – Robert Frank

Robert Frank, Parade—Hoboken, New Jersey, 1955

Robert Frank, Parade—Hoboken, New Jersey, 1955












Here are some of the great photography books by Robert Frank to add to your art library:


Inspiration, Photography, QuotesPermalink

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