Tag Archives: interviews
How I Create Generative Ambient Music
I was recently interviewed by Tim Cole from Intermorphic Generative Music systems about how I use their generative music software Wotja to create infinitely generating ambient music to enhance meditation, creativity, relaxation and well-being. Tim and his brother Pete have … Continue reading

Creative Inspiration from Photographer Saul Leiter
This is a preview of an independent documentary on the amazing photographer Saul Leiter. The film is currently on the indie film circuit and is expected out on DVD this summer. It looks like an intimate portrait of a fascinating … Continue reading

More Creative Inspiration from Photographer Joel Meyerowitz
A photography class and creative inspiration from photographer Joel Meyerowitz. In this wide-ranging video Meyerowitz discusses the value of innocence and experience, photographing the “elements”, getting beyond our comfort zones, photographing Ground Zero in NYC after 9/11 and how photography … Continue reading