Category Archives: Artist Interviews
How I Create Generative Ambient Music
I was recently interviewed by Tim Cole from Intermorphic Generative Music systems about how I use their generative music software Wotja to create infinitely generating ambient music to enhance meditation, creativity, relaxation and well-being. Tim and his brother Pete have … Continue reading

Elizabeth Gilbert On Where Creativity Comes From
Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray, Love, discusses a different way of looking at creativity and the creative process in her Ted talk “Your Elusive Creative Genius“.
Creative Inspiration From Recently Discovered Photographer Vivian Maier
This is a fascinating story about the recently discovered photographer Vivian Maier. “She was a humanist in the best tradition. She showed real life, and that’s so difficult to do.” – photographer Mary Ellen Mark “Vivian Maier (February 1, 1926 … Continue reading

Creative Inspiration from Photographer Saul Leiter
This is a preview of an independent documentary on the amazing photographer Saul Leiter. The film is currently on the indie film circuit and is expected out on DVD this summer. It looks like an intimate portrait of a fascinating … Continue reading

Amazing handmade photographs unlike anything you’ve ever seen!
Check out this short video (9:19) on photographer Ian Ruhter. I think you’ll find it fascinating and inspiring. Ian hand makes his photographs using a wet plate collodion process with a giant camera housed in the back of a truck! … Continue reading
What is Creativity?
Here’s a great short video introducing some of the ideas explored in Jonah Lehrer’s book Imagine. What is creativity? How do we study it? How do we become more creative? How do we break through creative blocks? Check it out! … Continue reading

More Creative Inspiration from Photographer Joel Meyerowitz
A photography class and creative inspiration from photographer Joel Meyerowitz. In this wide-ranging video Meyerowitz discusses the value of innocence and experience, photographing the “elements”, getting beyond our comfort zones, photographing Ground Zero in NYC after 9/11 and how photography … Continue reading

Joel Meyerowitz discusses the importance of the frame in photography
This video will make you see differently!!! Watch this amazing interview published by Phaidon Press in which Joel Meyerowitz talks about the importance of the frame in photography. It’s not only what’s in the frame, but what’s not! For Meyerowitz … Continue reading

The Creative Process Of Two Surrealist Artists Who Use Photography In Their Work
Check out this video featuring the work of Jerry Uelsmann and Maggie Taylor. They each discuss their creative process and use of photography to create surrealist stories. Uelsmann has been creating composited photographs using multiple enlarger WAY before Photoshop was … Continue reading

How to take great photographs by Henri Cartier-Bresson
Henri Cartier-Bresson talks about photography as a way of making an immediate sketch to capture the decisive moment in fluid time. Pay close attention to the last sentence for the secret!